Skills: What skills do I need to become a great manager

What do great managers do differently?

Though we are all different, the author of this great article suggest we focus on 3 key traits: Clarity, trust and openness. And she even suggests actions to adopt to help us!
Suggested actions to address clarity, trust and openness

  • Be CLEAR about the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of your expectations - be open about what it should be used for and why it matters, and let them figure out how to perform the task themselves

  • Remember trust is GIVEN not earned - trust that they have the competencies needed and that they will do their job - and you’ll instill confidence and build mutual respect

  • Build a culture of FEEDBACK from the start - by being open for feedback at all times and setting the tone for open communication from the start

Feedback could be started by asking, fx: Am I clear in the expectations I set? Do I give you enough time to complete your tasks? Does my communication style work for you? What do you need from me or the company to remove roadblocks? And be willing to listen to understand. Never try to explain or disregard feedback - but say thank you.

I particularly like the trust part - and that can, depending on who you are, seem like a loss of control and be challenging. But nevertheless it is so true you need to dare showing trust to gain trust. Any parent will know that this is true…

Link to Harvard Business Review article - credit to Ursula Kralova.

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 #leadershipskills #trust


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