Change brought to life via engaging leadership


 "Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality"
-- Warren Bennis --


I take leadership
through management structures and the right mindset

I lead and facilitate the process with an outset in your reality & context, and the people impacted by the change. Whether a small project, a big change or strategy - we want to transition from powerpoint and into the head, heart and hands of the people in the organization.

A successful change requires courage and surplus energy from change leaders. To create meaning - a shared dream - for people to be passionate about and the right prerequisites to succeed.


A shared

Even in smaller projects it is crucial to take an outset in a shared understanding of why we do the project – what problem we set out to solve. And then to articulate a shared dream about what we wish to achieve. Something we can gather people around and make them passionate about. A clear purpose, that creates meaning for the organization .


To succeed with implementation requires a minimum of management structures: a shared outset in well-defined objectives, logical breakdown to efforts and a plan that does the job. And delegation to a team that is well-organized and capable of driving the change.


The right mindset is crucial to not just ‘have a plan’ – but to actually realize it. It is about the way in which we face problems, a plan that does not hold or people who acts differently from what we had expected. It takes courage, patience and trust.

My background

With a background in business mathematics (MSc. Business Adm.) I started out as an analyst within management consulting. Since then my passion for constant learning and development has taken me to exciting roles, both as a leader and an advisor for leaders in bigger global companies.

My DNA is driving change towards a shared dream. And doing it in a way that both solves the task and inspires people to come along.

I believe that change starts with motivation - and is then driven forward by thoughtful, engaging and courageous leadership.

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Tine is among the best project managers - ever!

Creates deep and lasting impact - both on the inside and as an inspiration for others.

Jacob Schambye, SVP Europe, Hager Group


Achieve projects with high ambition

Tine has a great capacity to move beyond her comfort zone and achieve projects with high ambition.

Michel Langrand, Président MLCG Consulting

How can I help you?

In my collaborations I take a respectful outset in the actual context. I will take the role as a neutral facilitator and catalyst to get the change defined, planned and brought to life together with you.

Advisory, facilitation or conducting project management. We will find the right way of collaboration together.

Clarifying meeting

We start with an initial dialogue to clarify your needs and to find out whether we are a match - and how.


I create a proposal for the project and my role in it to ensure the best results for you.


We establish a dedicated team to work on the task - and initiate the project.


True project trouble shooter

During my time with VELUX I have turned to Tine quite a few times when stuck in a project - and I have always appreciated her constructive input and help.

Lone Nielsen, Group Assortment Manager, Hempel A/S


Bring project management to life

With a massive welcoming openness Tine helped me build a practical understanding of project management as well as the confidence to use it.

Sharon Douglas, Business Project Manager, VELUX